Monday 21 March 2011

Draft Proposal - Idea 3


To study the emotion of being afraid of something or situation

Problem Identification

From what we can tell and what we have discussed, one of the biggest technical challenges we think we will face is the scripting. We have to do more research to get a good script. Besides, the design of the installation also play an important role, we need to design it according to plan so that it becomes perfect.

Aim & Objectives

Our objectives designing this interactive installation art is to study the emotion of being afraid of something or situation. Besides, we want to learn the emotion and expression of people. We want to put this interactive installation art design in a dark place. This is to make sure the user feel afraid.


To tell the user to always be careful with strangers

Ideation & Concept

The installation would be an emotion of a scary footsteps wondering around follow exactly what we do, such as when we enter the projector area, if we walk slowly, the footsteps will walk slowly as we do. When we run, it sounded like it was chasing us from the back and stop when we stopped. The installation is to react and interact about our inner feeling of being afraid and curious when something we heard around us and how we care about our surrounding, either it is safe or it is not. The sound from speaker is put at our back and left and side so we can exactly feels the footsteps is following us and near with us. The sensor will tell the computer how fast or slow the person move and the computer will generate the sound as the same speed as we do. The things that we need is surrounding area is a black and dark room, a low light to show the path, speaker, computer and sensor.

Review, Analysis & Precedent Studies

“this is for example to be the entrance and way for user walk through it”

Design Approach

Installation space would have to be roughly 10-20 meters, V shaped with entrance and exit on each ends. Speakers are placed along the way, to ensure there is always have a sound of footsteps. Moreover, we will not put a lot of lights, is because they want to raise a spooky atmosphere. Entrance and exit is covered with a black cloth, instead of a proper door.





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