Monday 21 March 2011

Draft Proposal - Idea 1

Research Topic

Fear within ourselves. How it varies between each person. Endless possibilities of imagining things, trying to analyze and figure things out, and the courage to take the step to face it.

Problem Identification

Not everyone is open to express certain emotions.

Aim & Objectives

· To instill awareness and urge the public (users) to take actions by facing their own fears within them.


· To explore human consciousness in dealing with delicate issues.

Ideation & Concept

User enters the installation space, alone in the dark, and the only sounds they can hear is creaking bed frame, a man breathing heavily and a child in discomfort. Curious user will walk towards the source of the sound, reaching an area where it will trigger the spotlight and video projection. The area is the bedroom of the child, in a complete mess, suggesting signs of resistance. The video projection flickers, showing the man caught in action molesting the child and ran. The child is left alone crying, looking at the user in sympathy, and looking at the mess in her room. Video projection ends, and user is left with the choice to do something about it, or to leave. If the user chooses to do something, they must’ve have understood the subtle hints given by the girl, looking at the mess in the room. The only thing a user can do is to re-arrange the bedroom into its right place, and it will trigger a sound of swings creaking and children playing from the exit area. User then proceeds towards where the sound is coming from and exits through the black curtain, back into the real world.

Review, Analysis & Precedent Studies

“Victims like to be aggressors sometimes, and aggressors are often reconstituted victims. People actually may become more actively aggressive when they feel forced into a passive position.”

Design Approach

Installation space would have to be roughly the size of a bedroom, U shaped with entrance and exit on each ends. Spotlight, speakers and projector are placed in the middle of the U, on top of the ‘bedroom’ area. Furniture such as bed, bedside table, photo frames, dolls, are placed in the middle of the U. Another speaker is placed near the exit. Entrance and exit is covered with a black cloth, instead of a proper door.



· MMD2133 emotion folder (image file used during lecture)

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